Sunday, 14 May 2017

Woman Given Two Years To Live Shocks Everyone With Her N0.1 Bucket List Item

A mum diagnosed with terminal bone cancer has shared her decision to leave her husband when she found out she had only two-and-a-half years left to live.

Annabel Nnochiri, 56, from North London, beat breast cancer in 2010 – but doctors found another tumour in her hip in June 2012, just months after she lost both parents in a car crash, the Mirror reported.

Upon receiving the terminal diagnosis, art teacher Annabel sat down with her then 19-year-old son and 16-year-old daughter and asked their thoughts on splitting up with her husband of 28 years.


They assured her she would be happier if she left – so she spent six months planning her new life, putting her inheritance money towards a new flat.

Annabel told the Mirror: “I made a bucket list and the first thing was to leave my husband. I had a good life but just felt completely trapped and wanted to break free.”

And five years after her initial diagnosis, Annabel now says she is much more confident – having taken up salsa dancing and traveled.

She also says she now has a good relationship with her ex-husband, who she met at university.

She said: “If I hadn’t had the cancer I would have been a dull person. But because of it I’ve become a much braver, naughty older woman.

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