Sunday, 30 April 2017

Indian Minister Gives New Brides Wooden Bats To Beat Their Abusive Husbands...

An Indian politician has handed out hundreds of wooden bats to newly-wed brides to use as weapons in case their husbands turn abusive after taking alcohol. The first of some 10,000 bats were handed out to 700 women who got married in mass wedding ceremony organised by the government in central Madya Pradesh.

State government minister Gopal Bhargava handed over the bats - which are used to get dirt out of clothes in traditional laundries - to use as weapons in case their husbands become abusive. 


Each of the paddles are emblazoned with messages that read: 'For beating drunkards' and 'Police won't intervene'.

Bhargava told the brides to reason with their husbands first, adding that they should 'let the wooden paddles do the talking' if their spouses refuse to listen.

Bhargava said he wanted to draw attention to the plight of rural women who face domestic abuse from their alcoholic husbands.

He said: 'Women say whenever their husbands get drunk they become violent. Their savings are taken away and splurged on liquor.

'There is no intent to provoke women or instigate them to violence but the bat is to prevent violence.'

The minister has ordered nearly 10,000 bats for distribution to newly-wed women.

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