Wednesday, 19 April 2017

North Korean Dictator Smiles As US City Is Wiped Out By Nuclear Blast In A Show. Photos

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un smiled and waved as cheering crowds watched a simulation of a US city being wiped out by a nuclear attack. North Korea put on a musical show to mark the birthday of founding father Kim Il Sung which ended with a mock-up of rockets engulfing America in flames.

The choral performance was attended by dictator Kim Jong-un, the elder of Kim's grandson, on Sunday, after a massive military parade in the capital.

The singing was followed by footage of its test-firing of a missile in February which, in the video, was joined by other missiles shooting into sky, passing over the Pacific and exploding in giant balls of flames in the United States.

The video ended with a picture of the American flag in flames, overlapping row after row of white crosses in a cemetery.

'When the performance was over, all the performers and participants in the military parade broke into enthusiastic cheers of "hurrah!",' state run KCNA news agency said.

State TV footage showed leader Kim smiling and waving in return.

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