Friday, 7 April 2017

Sexy Mother Of Five With An Enviable Figure Becomes Online Sensation

  A mother-of-five with an enviable figure has defended herself against accusations she lied about giving birth to five children. Simone Gately, 35, from Halifax, set up an Instagram account to document her fitness regimes and her family life, but was soon hit with comments from critics questioning whether she was ever pregnant.



One commenter said: "Keeping up a workout regime worth (sic) kids that small is impressive in itself but I wonder if her body went through the toll of birthing a child." They added they don't doubt she's their mother but have suspicions about whether her body went through pregnancy.

But Simone says her enviable figure isn't down to any sort of gym routine - just good old fashioned exercise at home.

The personal trainer had five pregnancies in six years and admits she saw her body shape change dramatically.

"I had just one year between two of my pregnancies and even in this time I managed to get my tummy back to normal by 3 to 4 months post baby. "I didn't have time to slave away in a gym so my routine post pregnancy was always at home and only when I had the time and energy.

"It started with walking to get some activity pushing a pram while the baby slept then I built up to jogging once I had my post baby 6 week check up. "I have some quick and simple tummy exercises that really work that only require about 10 minutes a day if that. "

And she insists she's just like any other normal mum. In one Instagram post she revealed her daily routine now she's a mum-of-five, saying she wakes up at 6am and runs for 40 minutes before the kids wakes up.

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